n. 1.大针,粗针;锥子;串子。 2.(束发)长别针。 3.【印刷】活字铗。 4.〔英口〕挤在两人当中的人。 5.〔罕用语〕短剑。 短语和例子 sit bodkin 挤坐两人当中。 ride bodkin 夹在两骑当中。
Example Sentences:
Mr and mrs tang went the whole journey in a small buggy , with their child riding bodkin 唐先生和唐太太一路上乘坐一辆轻型马车,让孩子挤坐在他俩中间。
Bodkin arrow : arrows with a tempered steel tip . delivers massive damage , ignoring armors 锥形箭:带有淬火强化的钢制箭头。可以造成巨大伤害,并无视盔甲。
Barney bodkin broke his nose , without feet we can ' t have toes ; crazy folks are always mad , want of money makes us sad 巴尼碰破大鼻子,没脚不能长脚趾;疯疯颠颠是疯子,没钱只能哭鼻子。
Say goodbye to scattered and tangled monitoring code , as ron bodkin shows you how to combine aspectj and jmx for a flexible , modular approach to performance monitoring 随着ron bodkin介绍如何把aspectj和jmx组合成灵活而且模块化的性能监视方式,就可以对散乱而纠缠不清的代码说再见了。
In this article , esteemed aspect developer ron bodkin gives you a guided tour of the four stages of successful aspect adoption , from first experiments with tracing and testing all the way to building your own reusable aspect libraries 在本文,尊敬的方面发明人ron bodkin为您提供了成功地采用方面的四个阶段,从使用跟踪和测试的第一个实验一直到构建自己的可重用方面库。
Ron bodkin is the founder of new aspects of software , which provides consulting and training on application development and architectures , with an emphasis on performance management and effective uses of aspect - oriented programming Ron bodkin是new aspects of software的创始人,该公司提供应用程序开发和架构方面的咨询和培训,侧重于性能管理和有效地使用面向方面编程。
In this second half of his two - part article , ron bodkin shows you how to add enterprise monitoring features to the glassbox inspector , including monitoring multiple applications , web services , and web application frameworks 在这篇由两部分组成的文章的第二部分, ron bodkin展示了如何在glassbox inspector中添加企业监视功能,包括监视多个应用程序、 web服务和web应用程序框架。
To be , or not to be ; that is the bare bodkin that makes calamity of so long life ; for who would fardels bear , till birnam wood do come to dunsinane , but that the fear of something after death murders the innocent sleep , great nature s second course , and makes us rather sling the arrows of outrageous fortune than fly to others that we know not of . there s the respect must give us pause : wake duncan with thy knocking 活下去呢,还是不活下去,这是一把出鞘的宝剑,使这漫长的一生成为无穷的灾难,谁愿挑着重担,一直到勃南森林,真是来到了邓西宁,可是对死后的遭遇深怀恐惧,害死了无忧无虑的睡眠,伟大天性的第二条路,使我们宁愿抛出恶运的毒箭,决不逃往幽冥去寻求解脱,正是为了这个缘故我们才不得不踌躇。