The existentialist perspective on women from simone de beauvoir 诠释西蒙娜183 ;德183 ;波伏瓦的女性生存论思想
De beauvoir one is not born a shit , but rather becomes a shit 西蒙波娃:一个人并非生为大便,而是慢慢变成大便。
Simone de beauvoir said that . it ' s very nice to meet you , mrs . clark 这是西蒙?德?波伏娃说的很高兴见到你,克拉克夫人
Simone de beauvoir said that , it ' s very nice to meet you , mrs , clark , 这是西蒙?德?波伏娃说的很高兴见到你,克拉克夫人
Most people are familiar with the names plato , machiavelli , spinoza , and simone de beauvoir , but remain unsure of their significance 大多数人都熟悉的名字,柏拉图,马基雅维里,斯宾诺莎,波娃,但仍不能确定其意义。
Jean - paul sartre and simone de beauvoir influenced each other in their literary writing owing to their intimate relationship , but the two exhibit different styles resulted from their different gender consciousness 摘要萨特和波伏瓦的文学创作有很深刻的联系,但由于“性别意识”的差异,他们的作品又体现出不同的风格。
Open acknowledgement of the existence of women ' s oppression was too radical for the united stated in the fifties , and beauvoir ' s conclusion , that change in women ' s economic condition , though insufficient by itself , " remains the basic factor " in improving women ' s situation , was particularly unacceptable 公开对妇女压迫的存在的承认对于50年代的美国而言有些过分激进,而且b的结论,即妇女经济状况的变化,经管它本身不是一个充分的因素,但是"仍然是提高妇女地位的根本因素"的观点,尤其无法令人接受。
A comprehensive analysis of the writing motives of the author , simone de beauvoir are analyzed , in terms of the author ' s great changes in philosophical ideas , the enlightenment from sartre , her reflections upon the real situation and fate of women , awaking women ' s consciousness and guiding men to understand women 本文从该书作者西蒙?波娃的哲学思想的巨大转变、萨特对她的?示、她对女性的处境和命运的认识、她想唤醒女性意识以及引导男性理解女性等方面对《第二性》的写作动机进行详尽的分析。