| 1. | Theory of baudrillard and advertisement in consumption era 博希亚理论与消费时代的广告 |
| 2. | Grass - roots romanticism of young baudrillard , mauss and bataille 巴塔耶的草根浪漫主义 |
| 3. | An analysis of jean - jean baudrillard ' s symbolic exchange theory 析波德里亚的象征交换理论 |
| 4. | A reflection on jean baudrillard : how to understand consumer society 我们如何理解消费社会 |
| 5. | Studies on the culture theory of jean baudrillard ' s consumer society 博德里亚消费社会的文化理论研究 |
| 6. | Marx and baudrillard : two productive processes of theory with different purposes 两种不同宗旨的理论生产过程 |
| 7. | Baudrillard shit is no longer possible , only the simulacrum of shit 布西亚:大便已经不可能了,只剩下大便的拟像。 |
| 8. | After l980 ' s , baudrillard turns to the fata1 object again and develops the " fatal strategy " 80年代之后,鲍德里亚重新转向了对“命定之物”的分析,并提出了物的命定理论。 |
| 9. | In his early periods , baudrillard concentrates on the study of object or commodity in order to seek the significance of sign 鲍德里亚早期主要集中了对物品或商品的研究,来寻求其中的符号学意义。 |
| 10. | Under the principle , baudrillard proposes the key concepts of simulation and simulacra by the analysis of the phenomena of modern technology 在这一原则下,鲍德里亚通过对现代技术的分析,提出“仿真”和“虚像”等核心范畴。 |