The way ayrton senna hit alain prost in suzuka 89 , except that he didn t put half his car over the kerb like senna did 但米高在排位赛时已失手打转,比赛时更撞到积架车队的基利恩
Nigel mansell ' s imola victory in 1992 gave him a record fifth consecutive grand prix win , beating the four - in - a - row achieved by ayrton senna in 1991 1992奈杰尔-曼塞尔在伊莫拉的胜利让他获得了大奖赛的五连冠记录,击败了此前由塞纳在1991年保持的四连冠纪录。
I would not allow in china a dirty f1 . the stain ayrton senna made on f1 , by so nearly killing alain prost in suzuka to win the 1990 world championship , is still there 1990年日本铃鹿赛站,丧心病狂的冼拿塞纳为求谋取世界冠军,丧尽天良地以极高速撞向保鲁斯的法拉利战车
Join senninha , a young ayrton senna fan , and his friends in a high speed race filled with swerves , spins and crashes , and show them who ' s the best pilot in the neighborhood 小塞纳,一个年轻的车神塞纳的狂热仰慕者,和他的朋友在充满甩尾、急驰和碰撞的赛车竞赛中,展示证明自己是最棒的赛车手!
For a variety of reasons the seven - time champion has been frustrated on the streets of the principality in recent years , denied the sixth victory that will draw him level with the late ayrton senna 近几年来,由于多种原因七次世界冠军在摩纳哥的街道上一直都很沮丧,并否认第六次的胜利会让他与已故的埃尔顿-塞纳齐名。
He has the most wins , points , fastest laps , and podiums of all time , and is only comparable to juan manuel fangio and ayrton senna in effect of a driver on the sport . surely , the most talented racing driver in the world has a championship or two left in him before he walks away from the sport as its most d ecorated driver 1998年6站冠军, 2站亚军, 2站第三名,在赛季中途几乎没有夺冠希望的情况下几乎三连冠,但是在斯帕赛道出现维修站配合问题,在日本铃鹿赛车熄火,舒马赫功亏一篑。