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English translation for "axil"

Example Sentences:
1.Examples of epiphytes are ferns growing in the axils .
2.In a maturing soybean plant, most of the assimilate from a leaf went into the pod at the axil of that leaf .
3.In the early january , ovuliferous scale primordial were acropetally formed in the axils of the developing bracts
4.Bract scale the structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms , each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil
5.In the early december , the first bract primordium was formed in the axil scale at the cone base , then bract initiation had occurred in acropetal direction
6.The axillary branching process generally involves two developmental stages : the formation of axillary meristems in the leaf axils and subsequent axillary bud growth
7.During flowering period , the decapitated 3yr old potted irwin mango showed three types of growth in axil - normal flower inflorescence , mixed panicle and new shoots
8.Leaves leathery , ovate , obovate , elliptic or obovate - elliptic , 4 - 9 cm long and 1 - 4 cm wide , with 3 - 6 obtuse teeth on each side ; abaxially with tufts of hairs at axils of veins ; lateral nerves 7 - 10 pairs
叶革质,卵形、倒卵形至椭圆形或倒卵状椭圆形,长4 - 9厘米,宽1 - 4厘米,每边有3 - 6钝齿,侧脉7 - 10对,背面脉腋有小毛丛。
9.Flowers solitary in axils of leaves ; corolla nearly rotate , 2 - 3 cm long , white or pinkish , the upper lobes tinged with purplish blue blotches inside ; stamens 5 ; ovary ovoid , covered with short stipitate glandular hairs
花单生于叶腋;花冠近辐状,长2 - 3厘米, 5裂,白色或带粉红色,上部裂片内有紫蓝色斑;雄蕊5 ;子房被具短柄的腺毛,卵圆形。
10.Cymes 1 - 2 in axil of leaves , rather short ; flowers pale green , 7 mm in diam . , 5 - merous ; sepals imbricate , inner two larger ; petals suborbicular , 3 mm long ; stamens without filaments ; pistil without style , stigma appressed , minutely 5 - lobed
聚伞花序1 - 2腋生,短小;花淡绿色,直径约7毫米; 5数;萼片覆瓦状排列,内方2片较大,边缘常有深色细浅齿;花瓣近圆形,长约3毫米;雄蕊无花丝;雌蕊无花柱,柱头平贴,微5裂。
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