When foreign executives speak of their american counterparts, they are apt to be more scornful than awestruck . 当国外的经理们谈到他们的美国同行时,往往是轻蔑多于敬畏。
The problem is that most people are awestruck by your fabulousness 问题是大多数人对你只是肃然起敬。
Few audiences that see vanessa - mae give a 1 ) live performance have any objections . more often they are left 2 ) awestruck , 3 ) roaring for an 4 ) encore 看过陈美现场演奏的听众很少人会不以为然。他们大多是感到震慑,大声叫着安可。
But i don ' t want them to be so awestruck by anybody - - whether wealthy , talented or powerful - - that they rule out such possibilities 但我不希望他们被任何人吓倒,从而失去追求的勇气和信心,无论这些人是有钱、有才还是有权。
I was overwhelmed with emotion and remained speechless for a long time , being totally awestruck by masters incredible arrangement because that sunday fell on february 22 ching hai day 当时我心中极为感动,久久不能言语,不由得对师父的巧妙安排佩服不已,因为孩子印半心当天正是2月22日清海日!
During the conversation , krishna proclaims that he is god himself ( bhagavan ) , and at the request of arjuna , displays his divine form , which is described as timeless , that leaves the latter awestruck 对话当中,奎师那就会声称他自己就是神自己(博伽梵) ,依照阿尔诸那的请求,陈述出他自己的神性形态,描述成是永恒,引起了后来的敬畏。
He uttered some words of greeting , and the first regiment boomed out : hurrah ! with a shout so deafening , so prolonged , so joyful , that the men themselves felt awestruck at the multitude and force of the mass they made up 他致了祝词,接着第一兵团高呼: “乌拉! ”那呼声震耳欲聋,经久不息,令人欢欣鼓舞。众人本身所构成的这个庞大的队伍的人数和威力使他们自己大吃一惊。
This went on until one day , a sister initiate gave me a copy of " the key of immediate enlightenment " . in the book was a chapter entitled " the buddha is not the anuttara samyak sambodi " the ultimate truth . upon reading it , i was awestruck 直到有一天一位师姊拿了一本即刻开悟之钥给我,其中有一篇是佛非无上正等正觉,看完之后心中震撼不已,没想到竟然有人能将如此抽象的概念用浅显的文字解释。