Autosplit will place any functions defined here into the special autoloader files Autosplit会将在此处定义的所有函数放到特殊的autoloader文件中。
The solution is to use autoloader , which acts a bit like a dynamic loader for perl modules 解决方案是使用autoloader ,其作用类似于perl模块的动态加载程序。
I ve saved as much as two seconds just by converting one of my applications to use the autoloader system in place of preloading 只是在程序中使用autoloader系统来代替预加载,就可以节省2秒钟的时间。
It s only when you call a function contained within the module that the autoloader steps in and then loads and compiles the code only for that function 只有在调用autoloader加载的模块中包含的函数、然后为该函数加载并编译代码时,才会执行这项操作。
Note that you don t need to use exporter any more ; autoloader handles the loading of individual functions automatically without you have to explicitly list them 注意,并不需要再使用exporter ; autoloader会自动处理加载单个函数的过程,而不用您显式地将其列出。