| 1. | It was characteristic of an old, atavistic callousness that went with her delicacy . 这正是伴随着她病弱身体的老年返祖现象的一种麻木冷淡的特征。 |
| 2. | It was characteristic of an old, atavistic callousness that went with her delicacy . 这正是伴随着她病弱身体的老年返祖现象的一种麻木冷淡的特性。 |
| 3. | He was, because of some atavistic spur or fillip in his own blood, most anxious to attain some sort of social position . 可是他血液里有祖上那股劲,急于想弄到一个什么社会地位。 |
| 4. | Uh , " an analysis of the atavistic symbols of fear in the doorin the floor . 在《寡居的一年》中对于返祖性的分析 |
| 5. | Certain atavistic westerners have promulgated the theory that chinese women liked their modest position in society 某些好古的西方人宣传一种理论说,中国妇女喜欢她们在社会中所处的低微地位。 |
| 6. | As newspapers get rid of the more atavistic elements in their print editions ? such as the pages of ( inherently out - of - date ) share prices ? they also save on ink and paper 当报纸出版商在纸质版本中摆脱了诸如广告页面等隔代遗传的因素,他们也节约了墨水和纸张。 |
| 7. | Europeans , on the other hand , see israel as a reminder of the atavistic forces ? from nationalism to militarism ? that it has spent the post - war years trying to grow beyond 另一方面,欧洲人把以色列看作隔代遗传的从民族主义到军国主义力量的提示者,而以色列用战后数年的时间试图走出这个范畴。 |
| 8. | Europeans , on the other hand , see israel as a reminder of the atavistic forces ? from nationalism to militarism ? that it has spent the post - war years trying to grow beyond 相反欧洲人认为以色列的行动似乎暗示着它在重蹈从民族主义到军国主义之覆辙,推动以色列走这条道路的力量试图在战后数年里面继续发展。 |
| 9. | If have congenital drawback , be atavistic mostly , should grandson generation is shown , but drug is used when you narrate may fetal development or traumatic cause , belong to acquired reason , that won ' t arrive hereditarily next generation 如有先天性缺陷大都是隔代遗传,要孙辈显现出来,但你述可能胎儿发育时用药或外伤引起,属后天原因,那就不会遗传到下一代! |
| 10. | The knowledgeable doctor was wrong : our greatest moral affliction is an atavistic predisposition to the irreflexive concession and to weakness of will , which bend lovingly , like a rose bush to the sighs of the wind 这位学识渊博的博士错了,因为我们精神上的最大痛苦是易受意志软弱的影响,不自觉地做出让步,这就像在劲风面前玫瑰丛可爱地点头弯腰那般情景一样。 |