Fan site for followers of the cartoon character , asterix -综合性中文网站,包括每日新闻
Asterix - password saver with textbox gr - this is a utility for those people with thousands of passwords 这是一个工具,用来帮助那些具有众多密码的人
Using an asterix or a question mark when this option is enabled is only appropriate if they are part of the actual key name 只有当真实的键值名中包含星号和问号时,这个值才可以与这个选项同时使用。
Suart has looked at many of the cartoon greats tintin , asterix , calvin and hobbes , the moomins and little nemo in slumberland and has used many of the standard devices of the language of cartooning ; the speech and think bubble , the materialised noise , the half - face close - up , the fisheye lens view , the silhouette , multiple perspectives , the nimbus round the head to signify presence or surprise 创作中,小话参照了多个经典卡通人物,如tintin 、 asterix 、 calvin与hobbes 、 moomins以及slumberland里的little nemo ,同时运用很多卡通的标准技法,如说话泡泡或思考泡泡、图像化的声音、半边脸大特写、鱼眼镜头角度、人物体态、多种透视法、表示惊讶或神怪的头上光环等。