The first temple was built by emperor asoka in the 3rd century b . c . , and the present temple dates from the 5th or 6th centuries 寺庙最早是阿育王于公元前3世纪建造的,现存的寺庙历史可以追溯道公元5世纪到6世纪。
The 1700 - year - old asoka temple , one of the five buddhist mountains in china , is well known for having kept skyamuni ' s sarira 阿育王寺是中国佛教“中华五山”之一,已有1700多年历史。因珍藏佛国珍宝“释迦牟尼真身舍利”而闻名中外。
Although there is no doubt that asoka ' s patronage of buddhism did much to spread that religion , his inscriptions recognize the brahmans as worthy of respect 尽管阿育王毫无疑问是一位佛教的支助者,对这个宗教作了大量的传播,他的碑铭却承认婆罗门也是值得尊敬的。
Sentiments in favour of nonviolence ( ahimsa ) and vegetarianism , much encouraged by the heterodox sects , spread during the mauryan period and were greatly encouraged by asoka 支持非暴力和素食主义的观点,大多是受到非正统教派的鼓励,在孔雀王朝时期广泛传播,大大地受到阿育王的鼓励。
3kms to the city center ; 15kms to ningbo airport ; 5kms to ningbo railway station ; 6kms to the exhibition center ; surrounding landscape : tianyi square , lunar lacus scenery spot , tianyi pavilion , tiantong temple , waitan , asoka temple , dongqian lake -宁波东港喜来登酒店座落于宁波市中心,是举世闻名的美国约翰波特曼建筑设计事务所设计的宁波波特曼中心的一部份,距离城市繁华地带天一广场及老外滩仅咫尺之遥。
In the third century bc , under its most influential convert , the indian emperor asoka , it was dispersed by missionaries across central asia , where it remained dominant for about a thousand years , until invaders in the seventh century ad brought in islam 公元前三世纪,在最有影响力的归依者,印度的阿育王的影响下,佛教通过传教士越过中亚传播出去,持续了一千年的支配地拉,直到公元七世纪,侵略者带来了伊斯兰教。