| 1. | On the improvement of the quality of college archivist 试析素质教育与高职教育改革 |
| 2. | Reflection on the development of archivists in colleges 高校多渠道筹集办学经费利弊谈 |
| 3. | On qualities of electronic archivists in colleges and universities 试论电子文件与电子档案的管理 |
| 4. | Roles of health education archivist 论健康教育档案工作者的角色 |
| 5. | Thinking about training of geological archivists at the basic level 关于基层地质档案管理人才培养的几点思考 |
| 6. | Describes technical standards , conventions , and guidelines used by archivists in describing holdings and repositories -提供档案服务查询征集,黑江风情史料等介绍 |
| 7. | Article 9 archivists shall be devoted to their duty , observe discipline and possess professional knowledge 第九条档案工作人员应当忠于职守,遵守纪律,具备专业知识。 |
| 8. | The university is using records and photographs that archivists have uncovered to present a fuller story of the school ' s beginnings 北卡罗莱纳大学用从档案文献中找到的文字纪录或照片,使该校的创校史呈现出更完整的面貌。 |
| 9. | Archivists and archives specialists then write brief summaries of what is contained in the records , which agency created them , and why 于是档案工作者和档案专业人员需要著录档案内容、档案形成机构、档案形成原因等摘要信息。 |