Seams in the anorthosite series are only intermittently exposed . 斜长岩组中的矿层仅断续出露。
These rocks were created early in lunar history , when the outer portion of the moon was completely molten ; the low - density anorthosite floated to the surface of the magma ocean 这些岩石在月球历史的早期形成,当时月球外部完全呈熔融状态,低密度的斜长岩会浮到岩浆海的表面。
Furthermore , the lunar orbiters confirmed that the highlands of the moon are dominated by anorthosite , an igneous rock composed primarily of the mineral feldspar and rich in calcium and aluminum 此外,两艘月球轨道船证实了月球高地主要由斜长岩(一种主要由长石形成的火成岩,富含钙和铝)构成。
Although scientists had postulated this phase of lunar history based on the apollo samples , the proof came from the clementine and lunar prospector data , which indicated the global distribution and large abundance of anorthosite 虽然科学家根据阿波罗太空船所采集的样本提出了关于月球这段历史的假说,但是证据却来自克莱门蒂号和月球探勘者号的观测,显示斜长岩丰富且分布全球。
Because the only source of heat that could melt the entire moon would be a very rapid accumulation of small bodies , the presence of large quantities of anorthosite in the lunar crust supports the theory that the moon coalesced from the debris of a planetary collision 能熔化整个月球的唯一热源是小型天体的快速聚集,因此月球地壳内大量的斜长岩支持了月球是由行星际遗屑撞击合并而成的理论。