Thus the southern anhwei incident and the order of january 17 of the military council in chungking are merely the beginning of a series of incidents 故皖南事变及重庆军事委员会一月十七日的命令,不过是一系列事变的开始而已。
At the time of the fukien incident , two months after the commencement of our fifth counter - campaign , the main forces of the red army should undoubtedly have thrust into the kiangsu - chekiang - anhwei - kiangsi region , with chekiang as the centre , and swept over the length and breadth of the area between hangchow , soochow , nanking , wuhu , nanchang and foochow , turning our strategic defensive into a strategic offensive , menacing the enemy ' s vital centres and seeking battles in the vast areas where there were no blockhouses 第五次反“围剿”进行两个月之后,当福建事变出现之时,红军主力无疑地应该突进到以浙江为中心的苏浙皖赣地区去,纵横驰骋于杭州、苏州、南京、芜湖、南昌、福州之间,将战略防御转变为战略进攻,威胁敌之根本重地,向广大无堡垒地带寻求作战。