The historian ammianus marcellinus wrote that " the intelligentsia of alexandria considered the destruction of atlantis a historical fact , described a class of earthquakes that suddenly , by a violent motion , opened up huge mouths and so swallowed up portions of the earth , as once in the atlantic ocean a large island was swallowed up 历史学家阿米亚努斯?玛尔塞利努斯写道“亚历山大大帝的知识分子阶层认为亚特兰蒂斯的毁灭是一个历史事实,描述是突然间来了某种地震,是剧烈的运动使大口张开,从而淹没了陆地部分,同样地,曾经在大西洋的巨大岛屿被淹没。