They prepared an ambuscade for the romans . 他们在罗马人周围埋下伏兵。
From the bamboo work on lance to bamboo forest , and from the story of bamboo forest to being ambuscaded , then who 从矛上的竹节工说到竹林,进而竹林里的故事,再进而成了"埋伏" ,那么,打伏击的是谁呢
Sometimes pierre remembered what he had been told of soldiers under fire in ambuscade when they have nothing to do , how they try hard to find occupation so as to bear their danger more easily 有时皮埃尔回忆起他所听到的故事,故事中谈到,士兵们作战时处于枪林弹雨之下,他们躲在掩蔽体内,这时无事可做,为了经受起危险造成的威胁,他们尽可能给自己找点事情做。
I didn t believe we could lick such a crowd of spaniards and a - rabs , but i wanted to see the camels and elephants , so i was on hand next day , saturday , in the ambuscade ; and when we got the word we rushed out of the woods and down the hill 不过,我倒想见识见识那些骆驼啊,大象啊之类的。因此,第二天,星期六,伏击时我也到场。一得到消息,我们就冲出林子,冲下小山。
One time tom sent a boy to run about town with a blazing stick , which he called a slogan which was the sign for the gang to get together , and then he said he had got secret news by his spies that next day a whole parcel of spanish merchants and rich a - rabs was going to camp in cave hollow with two hundred elephants , and six hundred camels , and over a thousand " sumter " mules , all loaded down with di monds , and they didn t have only a guard of four hundred soldiers , and so we would lay in ambuscade , as he called it , and kill the lot and scoop the things 他把这火棍叫做信号是通知全帮的哥儿们集合的。接着,他说他获得了他派出去的密探所得的秘密情报:明天,有一大队西班牙商人和阿拉伯富翁要到“洼洞”那里宿营,随带有两百匹大象,六百匹骆驼和一千多头“驮骡” ,满装着珍珠宝贝,他们的警卫才只四百个人。因此,用他的话来说,我们不妨来一个伏击,把这伙子人杀掉,把财宝抢过来。
I went so far with it in my imagination , that i employ d my self several days to find out proper places to put my self in ambuscade , as i said , to watch for them ; and i went frequently to the place it self , which was now grown more familiar to me ; and especially while my mind was thus fill d with thoughts of revenge , and of a bloody putting twenty or thirty of them to the sword , as i may call it , the horror i had at the place , and at the signals of the barbarous wretches devouring one another , abated my malice 可能最多也不过把火星溅到他们的脸上,使他们吓一跳罢了,决不会使他们放弃这块地方,永远不敢再来。因此,我把这个计划搁置一边另想办法。后来,我又想到可以找一个适当的地方埋伏起来,把三支枪装上双倍的弹药,等他们正热闹地举行那残忍的仪式时,就向他们开火,一枪准能打死或打伤两三个。
He got home pretty late that night , and when he climbed cautiously in at the window , he uncovered an ambuscade , in the person of his aunt ; and when she saw the state his clothes were in her resolution to turn his saturday holiday into captivity at hard labor became adamantine in its firmness 那天晚上,他回到家时已经很迟了。当他小心翼翼地从窗户往里爬时,猛然间发现了有人埋伏,仔细一看,原来是他的波莉姨妈。她看到他衣服被弄成那副样子,原来就打算让汤姆在星期六休息日干活的决心现在就更加坚定了。