Some commentators diagnosed what would today be called “ affluenza ” ? an excess of prosperity which made people hunger for things they did not need 一些评论者称之为“流行性物欲症” - - - -由过度优越的生活条件导致,表现为对并不需要的东西的渴望。
Almost one quarter of respondents to a sensus research inc . survey admitted they suffer from " affluenza , " a term used to describe wealthy people who worry that their children or grandchildren will lose their work ethic because their family is rich 据路透社3月9日报道,加拿大sensus研究公司近日公布的一项研究结果显示,该国最富有的人群非常担心其子女变得游手好闲,且将他们毕生积蓄的挥霍一空。
Canadas wealthiest citizens fear that their children willbecomelazy and squander the money theyve earned , according to astudyreleased this week . almost one quarter of respondents to a sensus research inc . surveyadmitted they suffer from affluenza , a term used todescribewealthy people who worry that their children orgrandchildren willlose their work ethic because their family isrich 据路透社3月9日报道,加拿大sensus研究公司近日公布的一项研究结果显示,该国最富有的人群非常担心其子女变得游手好闲,且将他们毕生积蓄的财富挥霍一空。