Numerous artists , aesthetes , artists and writers are trying to embody this idea in their works 后来的艺术家、美学家和作家们就一直在诠释着这一思想。
Behind every footballing tough guy there lurks a mincing aesthete with a love of art for art ? sake , football for football ? sake 每个足球硬汉内心,其实都潜伏着一个唯美主义者:他们为了艺术而爱艺术,为了足球而爱足球。
A perfectly symmetrical , four - storey building dating from 1703 , it has had many admirers , with a long list of aesthetes and architectural historians coveting it 这座花园始建于1575年,曾于1975年被修复。由于花园的原貌已完全消失,它又被称为“失落之园” 。
In the early days , braose miyaco , the second principal of braose family has manifested that he is an aesthete with great interest in sculpture , drawing and architecture Braose家族第二代掌门人braosemiyaco早年已表现出他是一个唯美主义者,对雕塑、绘画和建筑都有浓厚的兴趣。
Result : grumbles from the aesthetes , who complain that a group of players costing ? 151m should be putting their gifts to more appealing use , but three more points every time 结果是:唯美主义者抱怨说,一队价值1 . 51亿英镑的球员应该把他们的天分用到一些更吸引人的地方去,而不是每次只求拿到三分。
Ernst cassirer is not a pure aesthete who specializes in the art study , but he makes enormous contributions to the " visual semiotics . " susanne k . langer is probably the most important female philosopher and aesthete 摘要恩斯特?卡西尔尽管不是一位专门致力于艺术研究的纯美学家,但却在“视觉符号学”方面贡献巨大。
Modernism in the anglo - saxon world began as a reaction against certain qualities of smugness , earnestness and self - righteousness that walter pater and the aesthetes perceived to be the dominant tone of victorian literature 盎格鲁撒克逊世界的现代主义是以反对洋洋得意、一本正经和自命清高的一些风气而兴起的,这些风气被沃尔特?佩特和美学家们视为维多利亚文学的主调。
Nowadays , when modem western aesthetes are making every effort to seek the aesthetic issues on subject and object , existence and appearance , sense and comprehension , it will derive lots of new inspiration to re - read zhu guangqian ' s aesthetic ideology 在现代西方美学家殚精竭虑欲探询的主体与客体、存在与显现、意义与理解等美学问题的今天,重读朱光潜的美学思想会有很多新的启发。