| 1. | He is an accomplice with his friend in the crime . 他是该罪中他朋友的帮凶。 |
| 2. | He is suspected as an accomplice of the murder .. 他涉嫌为这次凶杀案的同谋。 |
| 3. | The woman was her accomplice and in steyne's pay . 这个女人是她的心腹,给斯丹恩买通了的。 |
| 4. | Those who have supported him will pass for his accomplices . 那些支持他的人就要被视为他的从犯。 |
| 5. | I'll be in no sense accomplice or help in this cruel business . 我决不愿在这惨无人道的买卖里作同谋或帮凶。 |
| 6. | However, he got his indictment deferred, upon promise to discover his accomplices . 但是他的判决却延期了,因为他答应去找出他的一切同谋犯。 |
| 7. | His little italian accomplice is trotting along hopefully and hungrily . 他那个小小的意大利帮凶,则紧紧地跟着他的身边,馋涎欲滴地希望得点东西。 |
| 8. | Her accomplice suffered for his share in the escape, not-withstanding his timid contrivances . 她的同谋者,尽管想出了他那怯懦的策略,为了这件逃脱的事还是吃了苦头。 |
| 9. | The chief criminals shall be punished without fail , those who are accomplices under duress shall go unpunished and those who perform deeds of merit shall be rewarded . 首恶必办,胁从不问,立功受奖。 |
| 10. | If i can get sixty-five million accomplices to join me in this criminal absurdity, i become one of a great and glorious nation . 如果能够招集六千五百万个同党,共同来做这一件荒谬的犯罪行为,我将成为一个光荣大国的分子。 |