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English translation for "金钱报酬"

pecuniary considerations
pecuniary reward

Related Translations:
金钱:  money 短语和例子浪费金钱 muddle away money; 积聚金钱 amass money; 金钱至上 exclusive concern with money; 金钱万能。 money is almighty.; money talks. 他从不吝惜金钱。 he never grudges money. 他贫于金钱, 但富于学问。 he is poor in
储藏金钱:  hoard
金钱的:  peculiarlypecuniary
崇拜金钱:  to worshimoney
金钱本色:  the color of money
金钱薄荷:  glechoma hederacea
金钱肉:  fried porkpreserved pork piece
金钱引诱:  financial inducement
亡命金钱:  run for the money
金钱损失:  monetary losspecuniary damagespecuniary loss
Example Sentences:
1.In our society today , a college education is valued mainly for its monetary rewards
2.The children andor their parentsguardians do not receive any pecuniary reward , in whatever terms or titles , for taking part in the
3.Added to which of course , would be the pecuniary emolument by no means to be sneezed at , going hand in hand with his tuition fees
4.You may not exercise any of the rights granted to you in section 3 above in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation
5.For example , lunch box , costumes or transport provided free of charge by the organising institution will not be treated as pecuniary reward ; while mealclothingtravelling allowances in monetary terms will be counted as part of wages or pecuniary reward
6.The exchange of the work for other copyrighted works by means of digital file - sharing or otherwise shall not be considered to be intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation , provided there is no payment of any monetary compensation in connection with the exchange of copyrighted works
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