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English translation for "近因原则"

principle of causa proxima
principle of proximate cause

Related Translations:
近因:  (直接促成结果的原因) immediate cause; proximate cause; recency
近因近因:  proxima cause
近因效应:  recency effect
近因律:  law of recency
近因性错误:  regency effect
懈怠原则:  doctrine of laches
相关性原则:  relevance principle
训练原则:  training philosophy
窜改原则:  adulterate a principle
违背原则:  violate a principle
Example Sentences:
1.But i have to admit that " exception clauses " in the policy can exclude the application of this principle
2.In this test , they advocated that judges should apply common acknowledge of people on the street , while trying to find the proximate cause in the complicated relations between causes and effects
英美法中关于近因原则的判定还提出了常识标准( commonsensetest ) ,本文也将有简单介绍。
3.And the formation that immediate cause principle is the happening that points to dangerous accident and loss result , must have immediate sequential concern , insurance talented person compensates responsibility to the loss that produce
4.Therefore , the following chapter mainly discusses the background of the principle of proximate cause , and its development . this principle originated from one proverb in ancient law , " causa proxima et non remota spectatur "
5.Usually , the loss following the delay wo n ' t be indemnified , even if the delay was caused by insured perils . and in this part , the author tries to compare the different situation in mia1906 and in norwegian marine insurance plan
6.Some special rules are applied in different circumstances . taking " missing ship " as an example , even if there is no evidence to prove the occurrence of bad weather , the loss is regarded as being proximately caused by perils of the sea . the last chapter of this thesis i
目前,在我国海上保险领域,近因原则在确定海损原因时只作为一种参考原则,并没有明确的法律地位,相关保险立法(无论是褓险法》还是《海商法》 )也没有明文规定。
7.Then discusses the matter brought by the different regulations in marine insurance practice . in chapter 3 , the thesis mainly discusses the onus of proof about causation in marine insurance . this chapter begins with the introduction of the concept of proof , onus of proof in a general way
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