Surely i have now pulled down your pride enough . 我想我已把你那点豪气说得一文不值了吧。
Saddled and bridled so gallant rode he @骑着马鞍牵着缰绳他是如此豪气
The regal , elegant and beautiful princess xiaoshan was forced to cross the galaxies to avoid an arranged marriage 来自外太空星球的索女公主,清雅脱俗又不失豪气。
In addition to its night markets , kaohsiung has a great range of snack shops and restaurants 夜市之外,高雄小吃也展现了港都人的豪气,不断推陈出新,游客不可错过!
Mr . cruncher could not be restrained from making rather an ostentatious parade of his liberality - i d catch hold of your throat and choke you for half a guinea 克朗彻先生忍不住要夸张地炫耀一下他的豪气, “我敢拿半克朗打赌,一定要抓住你的喉咙把你掐死。 ”
Tone up own expertise ; establish the dignity of expertise . draw the ideal portrait of education quality which will reincarnate professional and vigorous teachers , and heroic and creative students 提升专业自主,确立专业尊严,营造专业活力教师,豪气创意学生的教育品质理想图像
Like hawks soaring across the vast skies , eschewing over detailed production and meticulous calculations of the music , their music has broken through borders and across time penetrating souls all around the world 那如苍鹰一般浩击长空的豪气,无需经过修饰,无需计算分秒,穿破疆界和时间,浸润着世界上千千万万的心灵。