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English translation for "自己照顾自己"

look after oneself

Related Translations:
照顾:  1.(考虑到; 注意到) give consideration to; show consideration for; take account of; make allowance(s) for 短语和例子照顾多数 make allowance for the majority; think in terms of the majority; 照顾面子 be carefu
照顾全局:  take the whole into account
悉心照顾:  take good care of
老人照顾:  senior care
照顾多数:  make allowance for the majority
照顾婴儿:  babysit
照顾病人:  care for the sick
仔细照顾:  look after carefully
特殊照顾:  give someone (an) extra help [consideration]
给养照顾:  foster care
Example Sentences:
1.He is old enough to do for himself .
2.My grandson is big enough to look after himself
3.Don ' t worry about me , i can take care of myself
4.They should take care of themselves , like i do
5.The boy is old enough to take care of himself
6.They should take care of themselves , like i do . .
他们应该自己照顾自己像我一样. .
7." i suppose i take care of myself these days .
“我想这些天我自己照顾自己. ”
8.You ' re gonna fill out some , right
9.He ' s always the same , oh , can ' t he iook after himself
10.I took the kids with me . - yeah . but i fed myself
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