A few farmers trailed yaks , with plows attached to their animals by large nose rings 几位农民拉着旄牛耕地,牛鼻子上拴着大大的鼻环。
Walking by the nearby river we watched yaks , sheep and pigs heading home on their own as dusk approached 黄昏来临了。我们到附近的河边散步,看到旄牛、羊群和猪在暮色中自己回到牲口棚。
White stupas ( buddhist prayer monuments ) dotted the landscape , surrounded by free - roaming giant yaks and whole families of pot - bellied pigs rooting around freshly plowed fields 白色的佛塔点缀着美丽的画卷,壮硕的旄牛在悠闲地散步,一群肚子圆滚滚的猪在新翻过的土地上四处觅食。
Some asteroids , despite their small size , possess satellites of their own . a handful of others suffer serious perturbations by major planets and travel in highly eccentric orbits , which can send them well beyond the orbit of jupiter . the so - called near - earth asteroids cross the earth s orbit and make occasional close calls to our home planet 有些小行星体积虽小,但竟然拥有卫星而有些小行星,由于受到其他大行星的强烈摄动,轨道为极狭长的椭圆,远日点甚至延伸至木星的轨道以外近地小行星则会越过地球的轨道,不时在我们的庭园掠过,偷窥地球的一切,若有天真的登门造访旄轰!
Some asteroids , despite their small size , possess satellites of their own . a handful of others suffer serious perturbations by major planets and travel in highly eccentric orbits , which can send them well beyond the orbit of jupiter . the so - called near - earth asteroids cross the earth s orbit and make occasional close calls to our home planet 有些小行星体积虽小,但竟然拥有卫星;而有些小行星,由于受到其他大行星的强烈摄动,轨道为极狭长的椭圆,远日点甚至延伸至木星的轨道以外;近地小行星则会越过地球的轨道,不时在我们的庭园掠过,偷窥地球的一切,若有天真的登门造访旄轰!