But after met you , the first sight made mountain slided , land cracked , water flowing oppositely only by 但是见到你之后,仅仅第一眼就使得山崩地裂水倒流。
The publication of " the shame of the sun " had started a controversy and precipitated the landslide in his favor 太阳的耻辱的出版引起了一场争论,一场于他有利的山崩地裂。
The ground shakes , mountains explode , the sky turns black and violent - natural forces that helped create life on our green planet can also imperil it 大地震动山崩地裂风云变色-这些塑造地球并协助创造地球上各式各样生物的大自然力量,同样亦可以摧毁生命。
Had there been no " shame of the sun " there would have been no landslide , and had there been no miracle in the go of " the shame of the sun " there would have been no landslide 没有太阳的耻辱就没有山崩地裂。没有太阳的耻辱轰动性的畅销,也就没有随后而来的其他的山崩地裂。欣格垂达恩利公司便是这奇迹的明证。
Then , a thunderous sound came from the rear of the house . the kitchen on the back slope had collapsed under the sudden onslaught of a torrential flow of muddy water , and had fallen on the last row of concrete houses on the slope . rocks of all sizes , washed down by the muddy water , smashed through the windows into the rooms and then rushed through the doors into the living room and out into the courtyard at lower levels 谢师兄在打坐中依稀听到爸爸走进客厅的声音,突然一声山崩地裂的巨响从屋后传来,后山腰的厨房被突如其来的土石流冲击倒塌,压到斜坡上最后一排的钢筋房子,土石流冲破两三间房间的窗户玻璃,大小石块挟杂在洪水中,从窗口冲进房间,又从房门窜流出来,直奔地势较低的客厅和庭院,家顿时变成土石流的出水口。
After the third shock was over , and i felt no more for some time , i began to take courage , and yet i had not heart enough to go over my wall again , for fear of being buried alive , but sat still upon the ground , greatly cast down and disconsolate , not knowing what to do : all this while i had not the least serious religious thought , nothing but the common , lord ha mercy upon me ; and when it was over , that went away too 这三次震动,其强烈程度,足以把地面上最坚固的建筑物震倒。离我大约半英里之外靠近海边的一座小山的岩顶,被震得崩裂下来,那山崩地裂的巨响,把我吓得半死,我平生从未听到过这么可怕的声响。这时,大海汹涌震荡,我想海底下一定比岛上震动得更激烈。