| 1. | The ups and downs of the jury system impacts on the development of confrontation system 陪审制度是现代对抗制得以确立和发展的基础,美国陪审制度的盛衰影响着对抗制的发展。 |
| 2. | Us - trial model system for the proper functioning depends on a number of ancillary rules , procedures and systems of effective protection 证据展示制度产生于英美当事人主义的刑事诉讼中,是对抗制庭审中一项十分重要的制度。 |
| 3. | With confront with each other and make the introduction of the factor , the judicial procedure of our country is becoming more rational 我国修订后的《刑事诉讼法》实施已六年有余。随着对抗制因素的引入,我国审判程序日趋合理。 |
| 4. | The employment of jury , the adversary fact - finding system and the concentrated proceedings contribute to the differences of two legal systems 造成这种差异的主要原因是英美法系国家实行陪审制、采用了对抗制的诉讼模式并强调对案件的集中审理原则。 |
| 5. | 1 . 2 significance the significance of evidence discovery in litigation proceedings of opposed characteristic is to ensure the justice and efficiency of litigation (二)意义在具有对抗制特征的诉讼程序中,证据展示具有保证诉讼的公正和效率的基本意义。 |
| 6. | Now , when we are reforming our judiciary and introducing the adversary system , the status of non - professional judge system in the judiciary can not be ignored 当前,我国正大力引进对抗制审判方式。为使改革真正奏效,我们尤其不能忽视陪审制度在司法体系中的地位。 |
| 7. | Cross - examination is an important judicial institution and evidential regulation of the anglo - american countries , and it is one of the most characteristic institutions of the antagonistic lawsuits 交叉询问是英美法系的重要审判制度和证据规则,是当事人主义对抗制诉讼模式中最具特色的制度之一。 |
| 8. | As an old judicial system , non - professional judge system has been named as " the twin of adversary system " and has got a predominated position in the whole judiciary 陪审制度是一项古老的司法制度,在西方素有对抗制的“孪生兄弟”之称,在各项司法制度中居于核心位置,其他许多制度皆有它派生引发。 |
| 9. | As the system of criminal trial in china is being changed into adversary , the issue " burden of proof " becomes more and more important . to perfect the system of burden of proof is a problem to be solved 随着我国刑事庭审方式由法官主导的审问式向由控辩双方主导的对抗制的转变,证明责任在刑事诉讼中的地位日显重要,完善证明责任制成为我国刑事诉讼中一个亟待解决的问题。 |
| 10. | But since there were no definite and systematical regulations in chinese law on the displaying system of criminal evidence that is matched with oppositional court inquiring method , the justice practice still has much insufficiency until now 但是,由于我国法律对与对抗制庭审方式相配套的刑事证据展示制度没有作出明确系统的规定,因此在司法实践中存在诸多问题。本文就是旨在对刑事证据展示制度进行有益的探讨。 |