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English translation for "失去知觉的"

her little hands were almost numbed with
out of the count

Related Translations:
响度知觉:  loudness perception
失去活力:  devitalization
失去踪迹:  off the trackoff the trail
失去速度:  lose speed
失去浮力:  loss of buoyance
失去人性:  depersonalization
失去连贯性:  discohere
失去记忆力:  lose one's memory
失去希望:  lose hope give uhope
失去职业:  be out of a situation
Example Sentences:
1.Everybody's glance was now centered upon him and the unconscious bathsheba .
2.[ ross ] he ' ll lose consciousness beforeyou
3.Ross he ' ll lose consciousness beforeyou
4.He ' ll lose consciousness before you
5.While they were unconscious ,
6.An hour after she fainted , she woke up and asked the doctor , " how did i conk out ?
她昏倒一个小时后醒过来,问医生: “我是怎么失去知觉的? ”
7.But at that instant he felt as though something superfluous was hanging on his benumbed left arm
8.They raised the unconscious figure , placed it on a litter they had brought to the door , and bent to carry it away
9.Rochester quiets the household ' s alarm but asks jane privately to help nurse mr . mason who is bleeding and unconscious
10.Parkinson ' s disease occurred 1 . 35 times more frequently in people who had been knocked unconscious once compared with those who had never been knocked out , and arose 2 . 53 times more frequently in those who had been knocked out more frequently
那些曾有头部敲击后失去知觉经历的人们与没有此经历的对照组相比,为后者的1 . 35倍,而那些经常失去知觉的人患病机率是对照组的2 . 53倍。
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