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English translation for "不知不觉地陷入"

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Related Translations:
地陷:  land collapsesinkholesubsidence
山崩地陷:  the mountain falls and the earth gives way.; as if the hills were rending asunder and the earth falling in; as if the mountains had fallen and the earth parted asunder
天崩地陷:  the heavens split and the earth sinks
深深地陷于:  be up to one's shoulders
深深地陷入:  head over ears
不知不觉:  imperceptibly; unconsciously; unwittingly; unknowingly; not knowing and not feeling; without one's noticing it 短语和例子他们睡了好几个小时, 不知不觉, 东方已破晓了。 they had a good sleep of a few hours without th
土地沉陷地陷地面沉降:  land su idenceland subsidencelandsu idence
我深深地陷入永恒的危机感中:  i'm deeply into the sense of crisis
不知不觉一觉醒来:  am awaken without reason
不知不觉中:  insensiblementunconsiousty
Example Sentences:
1.Then he slides into the stupor of the disease that has blanked his memory .
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