相当位温 meaning in English
equivalent potential temperature
- A transverse secondary circulation is produced by the coupling of high and low jets , while the sinking branch of the secondary circulation providing the dynamic conditions for the dry intrusion air . during the period of the heavy rain process , dry intrusion descends southward along the intense constant potential temperature lines , which promotes the lower cyclone . in addition , the pouring of upper - level dry air not only decreases ground temperature behind the front but also increases surface pressure and velocity
由于高、低空急流耦合,在高空急流中心左侧产生的下沉运动和高空急流中心右侧、低空急流左侧产生的上升运动在锋面上形成一次级环流,次级环流的下沉支运动为对流层高层干空气和高位涡的下传提供了动力条件;进一步研究发现,干侵入沿相当位温密集带向南向下伸展,引起对流层低层气旋性涡度的发展;此外,高层干冷空气向下注入,导致地面温度降低、气压升高、风速加大、低层辐合增强、上升速度加大,从而促进了新的对流运动,引起降水增强。 - The magnitude of these variables increased approximately ten times . it helped the rapid releasing of instability energy . the interaction of high - level and low - level mesoscale system leads to the rainstorm . the vertical cross section analysis of potential temperature tells us that rainstorm take place in the warm - moist and instability area . usually locate in the very stiff moist isentropes and it can lead to the development of vortex
通过对相当位温的垂直剖面分析,可知两场暴雨的中低层都为暖湿不稳定区,暖湿不稳定区上部冷空气明显扩散,暴雨产生在暖湿对流不稳定区内,通常产生在_ e陡峭和密集区中, _ e陡峭和密集区有利于涡旋发展。