弹幕射击 meaning in English
protective barrage
- This is a very straightforward one shooting games , games played and the famous oriental colleagues shooting game series the same screen missile firing people in a rush for a tortured in arizona , in the crossfire shuttle , and also to destroy enemy , pressed game is a key shot , s touch is close to the kill , it is worth trying
这是一款非常爽快的射击游戏,游戏采用和著名的同人射击游戏东方系列相同的弹幕射击,让人在手忙脚乱中有一种折磨的快感,在枪林弹雨中穿梭,同时还要摧毁敌人,游戏中长按住a键是发射子弹,轻按s是近距离的必杀,值得尝试。 - Introduction : this is a very straightforward one shooting games , games played and the famous oriental colleagues shooting game series the same screen missile firing people in a rush for a tortured in arizona , in the crossfire shuttle , and also to destroy enemy , pressed game is a key shot , s touch is close to the kill , it is worth trying