遮阳幕 meaning in English
ante venna
- The closed screen prevents the heat dispersion by radiation or heat exchange , thus the system can reduce the energy consumption
遮阳幕闭合后能有效防止温室内热能通过辐射或热交换形式外溢,从而降低温室耗。 - Shading rate : 50 % ~ 85 % , reflects the sunlight and cools by 3 ~ 5 , the two vertical separate spaces formed while the screen closes prevent fog forming and dripping
遮阳幕遮荫率达50 % ~ 85 % ,通过使用铝箔反射一定的阳光,可使温室内温度降低3 ~ 5 ,当内遮阳紧闭时,温室内形成上下两个独立的空间,能有效阻止温室内雾气形成滴露。