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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

cardioplastie n. cardioplasty
cardiopulmonaire adj. cardiopulmonary, of or ...
cardiorespiratoire adj. cardiorespiratory, of o...
cardiotomie n. cardiectomy, surgical rem...
cardiotonique adj. cardiotonic, having a t...
cardiovasculaire adj. cardiovascular
cardite n. carditis, inflammation of...
cardon n. cardoon
carence n. deficiency, deprivation
caressant adj. affectionate; caressing...
caresse n. caress, cuddle, pat, pett...
caresse le menton n. chuck
caressement n. fondling
caresser v. caress, stroke, cuddle, f...
caresseur n. caresser, person who stro...
caret n. caret, deletion mark used...
carex n. sedge, any of several var...
carey n. carey, family name; maria...
cargaison n. cargo, freight, lading; l...
cargo n. cargo, freighter
cariatide n. caryatid, statue of a fem...
caribou n. caribou, north american r...
caricatural adj. burlesque
caricature n. caricature, drawing that ...
caricaturer v. caricature, draw a carica...
caricaturiste n. caricaturist, one who dra...
carie n. caries, tooth and bone de...
carier v. cause to decay
carillon n. carillon, chime; peal of ...
carillonnement n. ring of a bell, roll of t...
carillonner v. ring, chime, peal
carillonneur n. ringer
carina n. carina, name of a stellar...
carinate adj. carinated, having a car...
carine n. carine, female first name
carinthie n. carinthia, province in so...
carisoprodol n. carisoprodol, type of med...
carl n. carl, male first name; ca...
carl august nielsen n. carl august nielsen (1865...
carl friedlander n. carl friedlander (1847-18...
carl friedrich gauss n. carl friedrich gauss (177...
carl jung n. carl jung (1875-1961), sw...
carl-gustaf mosander n. carl-gustaf mosander (179...
carla n. carla, female first name
carlin n. pug
carlingue n. cockpit, enclosed space f...
carlo n. carlo, male first name; m...
carlos n. carlos, male first name
carlos menem n. carlos menem (born 1931),...
carlos santana n. carlos santana (born 1947...
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