Dural repairs were done through an intradural approach via single frontal craniotomy 从额骨处做开颅术,经硬脑膜内做脑膜修复。
His forehead was high , and his hair was black and straight and hung to his shoulders 额骨高高的,头发又黑又直,一直拖到肩上。
Limb muscles were maldeveloped and pill - rolling movement occurred occasionally in all fingers 头部电脑断层扫描发现两侧近额骨之额叶、两侧尾核之头侧。
To treat the complication , adequate antibiotics and surgical intervention should be performed at the same time 为了治疗这额骨骨髓炎的并发症,正确的抗生素及适当的手术处理是必须同时进行的。
Then one of them got on one side of the coffin , and t other on t other side , and they kneeled down and rested their foreheads on the coffin , and let on to pray all to themselves 接下来,这两人一个到棺材的一侧,另一个到另一侧,他们跪了下来,把额骨搁在棺材的边上,装做全心全意祷告的模样。啊,到了这么一步。
So he went to marching up and down , thinking , and frowning horrible every now and then ; then he would hoist up his eyebrows ; next he would squeeze his hand on his forehead and stagger back and kind of moan ; next he would sigh , and next he d let on to drop a tear 有时候间或把眉头紧锁,有时候眉毛往上一耸。接下来,一只手紧紧按住了额骨,踉踉跄跄倒退几步,仿佛还哼了几声。然后他会长叹一声,再后来他装成流下了热泪。