Chinese translation for "青叶"
- aoba
aowa leafiness
Related Translations:
青: Ⅰ形容词1.(蓝色或绿色) blue or green 短语和例子青椒 green pepper; 青山绿水 green hills and blue waters; 青天 blue sky2.(黑色) black : 青布 black cloth; 青牛 black ox3.(年轻) young (people) 短语和例子青工 young workersⅡ名词1.(青草
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Aoba the city my love 24k gold edition 青叶城之恋24k gold edition | | 2. | Aoba , the city , my love 青叶城之恋 | | 3. | Song of the seaside 青叶城之恋 | | 4. | Ching yeh restaurant 青叶餐厅 | | 5. | Determination of swertiamarin in swertia mileensis t . n . ho et w . l . shih by uv spectrophotometry 分光光度法测定青叶胆内獐芽菜苦甙含量 | | 6. | He who trusts in his riches will fall , but the righteous will flourish like the green leaf 28倚仗自己财物的必败落;但义人必发旺如青叶。 | | 7. | He that trusteth in his riches shall fall : but the righteous shall flourish as a branch 箴11 : 28倚仗自己财物的、必跌倒义人必发旺如青叶。 | | 8. | Dishes include main courses like chicken , jellyfish and smoked goose , and stir - fried items like abalone , and minced crab with loofah 青叶以清粥小菜闻名,事实上青叶也卖台式筵席料理,由办酒席的老师傅掌厨。 | | 9. | If the colorful bloom is the romantic modern , then the leaves are the elegant classic . my wings are spread among the refreshing poetry 如果多彩的花是浪漫的现代,单色的叶便是含蓄的古典。我的视线凝聚在抹上薄薄金粉的青叶间,彷佛幻化为清风,翱翔于层层浓绿中了。 |
- Similar Words:
- "青野" Chinese translation, "青野 武" Chinese translation, "青野诗织" Chinese translation, "青野武" Chinese translation, "青野真衣" Chinese translation, "青叶蝉" Chinese translation, "青叶炒饭" Chinese translation, "青叶醇" Chinese translation, "青叶胆" Chinese translation, "青叶胆,青叶丹" Chinese translation