Chinese translation for "阮玲玉"
- centre stage
lingyu ruan ruan lingyu the actress the new china woman yuen ling-yuk;actress, the;center stage
Related Translations:
阮: 名词1.(阮咸的简称) a plucked stringed instrument2.[书面语] (侄的代称) nephew3.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子阮籍 ruan ji
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Rain li s unbelievably pretentious and blatant performance in 阮玲玉和黎莉莉都有出色表现。 | | 2. | Centre stage digitally restored full version 阮玲玉(数码修复版) | | 3. | Is not included , as i haven t got any chance to watch it yet 阮玲玉1910 - 1935 ,本身为广东人,于上海出生。 | | 4. | If you care . . . is definitely the worst portrayal of characters in 2002 神女是阮玲玉的成名作之一,由吴永刚编导。 | | 5. | 1997 golden bauhinia award , best actress : " comrades - almost a love story 1993年凭阮玲玉赢得日本影评人大奖之“最佳外国女主角”荣衔。 | | 6. | 1992 berlin film festival , best actress : " the actress " 1992 chicago international film festival , best actress : " the actress 1992年凭阮玲玉柏林国际电影节之“最佳女主角”银熊奖 | | 7. | Her depiction of a 1930s shanghai movie star ruan linyu , won her the best actress award in 1992 berlin film festival 她扮演的三十年代上海电影明星阮玲玉还为她赢得了1992年柏林电影节最佳女演员奖。 | | 8. | The digitally restored centre stage - maggie cheung , jackie chan , tony leung ka - fai and cecilia yip basking in the glory of a century of chinese cinema 阮玲玉数码修复版张曼玉关锦鹏梁家辉叶童同享中国电影的骄傲 |
- Similar Words:
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