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Chinese translation for "长期政策"

long run policy
long-range policy

Related Translations:
长期:  over a long period of time; long-term; long range; secular 短语和例子作长期打算 take a long view; make long-term plans; 长期观点 a long-term view; 长期存在的问题 a long-standing problem; 这个实验结果长期不显著。 the resul
长期肝胆相照:  treat each other with all sincerity on a long-term basis
长期加速度:  secular acceleration
长期观测站:  continuous stationlong term stationlong-established stationlong-term station
长期预测:  long range forecastlong range predictionlong range projectionlong run predictionlong term forecastlong term projectionlong-range predictionlong-run forecastlong-term forecastinglong-term p
长期贸易逆差:  chronic trade deficit
长期公债:  long term bondlong term government bondrente
长期负载:  long-time load
长期照料:  long-term care
长期前兆:  long term precursor
Example Sentences:
1.Birth control is a long - term policy
2.That is to modulate economy from two sides of supply - demand by connecting short - term and long - term policies
3.Let me reiterate that our latest initiatives do not in any way depart from the government s long - standing policy of non - interference with the operations of the market
4.Let me reiterate that our latest initiatives do not in any way depart from the government s long - standing policy of non - interference with the operations of the market
5." when we catch somebody , don ' t release them , ” mr . bush said . “ catch and release has been a long - standing policy of the federal government , and we ' re going to change that .
布什表示, “当我们抓住某人,将不会再释放他们, "捉与放"是联邦政府的一个长期政策,现在,我们将试图改变这种政策。 ”
6.The relative importance of the relevant considerations - including social stability and financial stability , on top of the proper functioning of a market - changes constantly , along with shifts in public sentiment , which can be quite strong at times and even capable of derailing long - term policies
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