托收汇票: b/c bill of collectionb/c bills for collectionbill for collection (b/c)bill for collection(b/c)collect a billcollection billcollection demand draftdraft collectiondraft for collection
托收委托书: advice for collectioncollection advicecollection lettercollection orderremittance letter
The seller can sometimes lose money in a contract that stipulates payment after the arrival of goods or by bank collection 在合同规定货到付款或银行托收的条件下,卖方有时会损失钱财。
Then he manages to acquire a large deal by signing a contract that stipulates payment after the arrival of the goods or by bank collection 然后,他再利用货到付款和银行托收的条件,签订做一笔大买卖的合同。