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Chinese translation for "血和泪"

blood rain
blood tears
hyeol-ui nu

Related Translations:
:  名词(眼泪) tear; teardrop 短语和例子流泪 weep
泪膜:  tear-film
神泪:  killrfwuhw
雪山泪:  forbidden to be born
鳄鱼泪:  crocodile's tear
光明之泪:  shining tears
天堂泪或泪洒天堂:  tear in heaven
泪的衣裳:  lachrymal clothes
孤星泪:  les miserabilesles misérablesmiserables, les
天使之泪:  angel's tear
Example Sentences:
1.That was flint s treasure that we bad come so far to seek , and that had cost already the lives of seventeen men from the hispaniola . how many it had cost in the amassing , what blood and sorrow , what good ships scuttled on the deep , what brave men walking the plank blindfold , what shot of cannon , what shame and lies and cruelty , perhaps no man alive could tell
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