Chinese translation for "节点计算机"
- nc node computer
nodal computer node computer
Related Translations:
节点方程: nodal equationnode equation
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | For the autonomous spacecraft is very complicated , carrying overall mathematical simulation to such a system is very difficult to realize by one computer only . according to the system ' s own characteristics , we can adopt hla ( high level architecture ) structure , distributing the simulation task to the nodal computer of each network 根据探测器自主系统特点,本文将高层体系结构( hla , highleverarchitecture )应用于深空探测自主技术仿真中,将仿真任务分布到各个网络节点计算机上,实现了分布式的深空探测自主技术的仿真系统。 |
- Similar Words:
- "节点活动" Chinese translation, "节点基" Chinese translation, "节点机技术要求及测试方法" Chinese translation, "节点集" Chinese translation, "节点级" Chinese translation, "节点记录" Chinese translation, "节点加厚段" Chinese translation, "节点加密" Chinese translation, "节点间报文处理程序" Chinese translation, "节点间距" Chinese translation