For the rest , of our time together , baby , come fly with me , eternally 作曲:徐嘉良作词:陈自为、小小
It ' s horseshit baseball , and you know it ! so you watch them , okay 狗屁棒球,你好自为之!你看好他们,明白吗?
You ' re on your own , oz 你好自为自,奥兹
Golden utensils matching crystal glass , famous chefs run the kitchen and prepare the artful dishes 黄金碟盏水晶杯,大师烹调巧自为。
Therefore , the purpose of the criminal procedure is a unity of purpose - in - itself and purpose - for - itself 由此,刑事诉讼目的是自在目的与自为目的的统一。
Show filial piety , be a model for the children . accumulate merits by doing good without reward 孝亲不辞劳苦,自为儿孙好榜样;行善不望回报,必为儿孙积善福。
If matters are distributed unevenly , some parts will readjust themselves , expanding or shrinking , until balance is achieved 宇宙平衡同样是“自因、自为、自然、自在”的生命本能。
These changes are signs that point to the fact that the ancient chinese aesthetics had become autonomous in wei - jin period 这些变化正是魏晋时期的中国古典美学走上自立、自为发展道路的重要标志。
The ecological balance is the instinctive movement of the ecosystem by " self cause , self conduct , natural presence , and self existence " 生态平衡是生态系统“自因、自为、自然、自在”的本能运动。
The type argument supplied for t must be or derive from the argument supplied for u . this is called a naked type constraint 为t提供的类型参数必须是为u提供的参数或派生自为u提供的参数。这称为裸类型约束。