Chinese translation for "能源利用得当"
- optimization of energy utilization
Related Translations:
措置得当: be handled properly 短语和例子如果措置得当, 这笔钱够他们用三个月。 properly managed, the money can last them three months 能源: the sources of energy; energy resources; energy source; energy◇能源短缺 energy shortage; 能源工业 energy industry; 能源构成 energysource composition; 能源管理 energy control; 能源合作 cooperation in the field 核电能源: nuclear electric power sourcenuclear power energy source 独立能源: self contained power source 环境能源: ambient energy sourceenvironmental energy source 能源周报: weekly energy report 能源构成: energy source composition
- Similar Words:
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