| 1. | It ' s just , in the church , suicide is a mortal sin 在教会里,自杀是一种不可饶恕的罪业 |
| 2. | By having an abortion , they create a more serious offense ? an offense of killing 这一堕胎啊,造的罪业更大,犯了杀业了! |
| 3. | What about her sins 那她的罪业呢 |
| 4. | Avoid a moment ' s anger and gain endless merit . a moment of compassion diminishes endless bad karma 能忍一时之气,自能增长无限福德;能起一念之善,自能消弥无限罪业。 |
| 5. | In that case then , ’ said the yogi , ‘ all the members of your family share in these sinful deeds “那么在这种情况下” ,瑜伽士说道: “你的每一个家庭成员都要承担这些罪业。 ” |
| 6. | During the 1980s , a manager came all the way from southeast asia to visit the venerable master at cttb 上人让他在圣城的万佛宝殿中,在十方诸佛菩萨及四众前发露忏悔,以挽救他的罪业。 |
| 7. | It was a message promoting love , a bell rung to awaken and save people from indulging more deeply in the lavish , gaudy , and worldly life 这场音乐会是个传播爱的讯息提醒人们从奢华与罪业的生活中觉醒的钟声。 |
| 8. | Getting and giving pain . purification will break the chains that hold us down . with more clarity of mind , virtuous deeds come easy 透过?特殊的加持我们得以净化自无始以来所累积的罪业及习气同时疾病魑魅魍魉障碍等一切恶事也得以止息。 |
| 9. | The son of the heavenly father washes away our sins with his precious blood as he shoulders our heavy karmic load accumulated over millions of years so that we can be liberated in one lifetime 天父之子以宝血洗净我们的罪业,为我们背负累世的重担只为让我们一世解脱。 |
| 10. | If from this day hence , you do not kill or cause to be killed any cattle , pig , poultry , dog , turtle , or other animal , but do your utmost to teach others not to kill , you may atone for your crimes 如果从今天开始,你再也不杀或叫人去杀牛、猪、狗、龟、家禽等生灵,并且尽力劝说别人不杀生,你就能消减你的罪业。 |