- 儿女
- 1.(儿子和女儿) sons and daughters; children 短语和例子 他身后无儿女。 he left no children. 儿女都... detail>>
- 串门儿
- call on a friend's family; call at sb.'s home; visit different houses; drop in on sb.; drop round [a... detail>>
- 调门儿
- 1.[口语] (歌唱或说话时音调的高低) pitch:请把调门儿定低点儿。 please pitch the tune in a lower key. 他说话调门儿高。 he has a high-p... detail>>
- 独门儿
- special skill (of an individual or a family) detail>>
- 过门儿
- [音乐] 1.(指歌曲开始的乐器演奏部分) opening bars 2.(指歌曲中间的乐器演奏部分) short interlude between verses detail>>
- 抠门儿
- [方言] (吝啬) stingy; miserly detail>>
- 没门儿
- [方言] 1.(没有门路) have no access to sth.; have no means of doing sth.: 想搞到考题? 没门儿。 do you want to p... detail>>
- 门儿清
- transparent well-informed completely aware well-informed; completely aware detail>>
- 摸门儿
- [口语] learn the ropes; get the hang of sth.: 不摸门儿 don't know the approach to sth detail>>
- 嗓门儿
- voice 短语和例子 提高嗓门儿 raise one's voice; 嗓门儿大 have a loud voice detail>>
- 邪门儿
- [方言] strange; odd; abnormal; irregular 短语和例子 这里天气也真邪门儿, 一会儿冷一会儿热。 what strang... detail>>
- 有门儿
- [口语] 1.(得到决窍) get the hang 2.(有希望) find the beginning of a solution; be hopeful detail>>
- 痴儿女
- stubborn lovers, two parts detail>>
- 儿女经
- loves of the youngsters detail>>
- 儿女债
- children's debts the more the merrier detail>>
- 好儿女
- good son, good daughter detail>>