| 1. | This was perhaps the most important question confronting the administration in the late spring of 1933 . 这大概是1933年暮春政府面临的最重要的问题。 |
| 2. | Azalea in full bloom in march and april by courtesy of george c . k 中大校园遍植杜鹃,暮春花开,紫白殷红,灿烂如锦。 |
| 3. | The ching ming festival in spring and chung yeung festival on the ninth day of the ninth moon are occasions for visiting ancestral graves 暮春的清明节和农历九月初九的重阳节是往扫墓拜祭先人的日子。 |
| 4. | When they bloom in march and april , bundles of purple , white and red dazzle with their brilliance in almost every corner of the campus 中文大学最著名的植物大概要数杜鹃花,暮春时节,紫白殷红,灿烂如锦,开遍校园。 |
| 5. | In mid - april , snow still caps the mountains surrounding bryce canyon . over millions of years , the canyon floor has been slowly pushed upward by great forces below the earth 暮春四月,布莱斯峡谷的山脉依然有着如冠覆顶的积雪。历经百万年之久的漫长、巨大的地壳变动而产生的持续、缓慢的向上拥积,才形成了如今的峡谷地貌。 |
| 6. | Chung yeung is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month , when many visit their ancestors graves or hike up mountains in remembrance of an ancient chinese family s escape from plague and death by fleeing to a mountain top 中秋节当晚,男女老幼到公园和郊外燃点彩灯赏月,尽庆而返。暮春的清明节和农历九月初九的重阳节是扫墓祭祖的日子。不少市民在重阳登山,纪念登高避难的古人。 |
| 7. | Chung yeung is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month , when many visit their ancestors graves or hike up mountains in remembrance of an ancient chinese familys escape from plague and death by fleeing to a mountain top 冰轮高揭,家家踏月,男女老幼到公园和郊外燃点彩灯,尽庆而返。暮春的清明节和农历九月初九的重阳节是扫墓祭祖的日子。不少市民在重阳登山,纪念登高避灾的古人。 |
| 8. | It was a lovely spring flowers blooming everywhere campus crowd and the bright , i think , i must leave this beautiful campus , and the uncertainty this season in the middle of summer , and really start living a difficult and lengthy notes 那是一个很美的春天,校园里到处都是盛开的花朵和鲜艳的人群,我想,我要暂时离开这清幽的校园、这暮春初夏的明朗季节,而真的开始一段艰辛和漫长的备考生活了。 |
| 9. | But though the cause of a cold winds blowing just when the oaks are coming out is unknown to me , i cannot agree with the peasants that the cause of the cold wind is the opening of the oak - buds , because the force of the wind is altogether outside the influence of the buds 农民说,暮春刮寒风,是因为橡树的芽苞绽开了,而事实上,每年春天当橡树抽芽时,都刮冷风。但是,虽然我不知道橡树抽芽时刮冷风的原因,我亦不同意农民的看法,认为橡树抽芽是刮冷风的原因,因为芽苞影响不到风力。 |
| 10. | The call of the yellow - billed large hawk cuckoo is said to sound like brain - fever . it is sometimes repeated in a crescendo scale until it ends in a piercing scream , after which the bird is silent for a few minutes , before it resumes from another vantage point . the ringing voice fills the air on campus from late spring and throughout the summer 鹰鹃鸟喙黄色,叫声是三音的嘟嘟嘟,不断重复,渐次高昂,然后尖叫一声作结,沉静一会后,另觅位置,再次鸣叫,每年从暮春叫到夏末,声音清越,响彻校园。 |