The program encountered an input character that was not valid 程序遇到无效的输入字符。
Download now to help prevent a malicious user from sending invalid input information to your telnet server 请立即下载更新,以防止恶意用户向您的telnet服务器发送无效的输入信息。
Review and test custom classes in your web application for invalid input and requests to help ensure that privileged information will not be exposed when exceptions occur 请对web应用程序中的自定义类进行测试,查看是否存在无效的输入和请求,以帮助确保当发生异常时不会公开特权信息。
Supplies structured but invalid input to software application programming interfaces apis and network interfaces to maximize the likelihood of detecting errors that might lead to software vulnerabilities 将结构化但无效的输入提供给软件应用程序编程接口( api )和网络接口,以最大程度地提高发现可能导致软件漏洞的错误的可能性。