| 1. | Zhang genkui and his farmers association 张根奎和他的农民协会 |
| 2. | Zhang genkui and his farmers association the true story of the cow farmers association of yadamu village of horinger county 张根奎和他的农民协会和林格尔县雅达牧村奶牛养殖协会成立纪实 |
| 3. | The establishment of the associations is the first step forward made by farmers like zhang genkui towards the path of cooperation 协会的成立,是张根奎这样农民朝着合作的道路迈出的第一步。 |
| 4. | The role of the china government agency in food safety management . he qian , changhong liu , heya wang , and genyi zhang , southern yangtze university , china 钱和,刘长虹,汪何雅,张根义-江南大学食品学院,上海进出口商品检验局 |
| 5. | Zhang genkui deeply understands that the recommendations made by sfagm have been proven by practice and can bring them tangible benefits 张根奎深深地理解中加小农户项目所建议的事情是被实践反复证明的,是能够给他们带来实在的利益的。 |
| 6. | This workshop on farmers associations helped zhang genkui and his fellow members by providing a deeper understanding of the association and clearer goals 这次农民协会研讨会使张根奎和他的会员们对协会有了更深的理解,目标更加明确了。 |
| 7. | Currently , zhang genkui and his companions are in negotiation with chia tai feed company to buy cow feed in the form of group purchase with the help of sfagm 目前,张根奎和他的伙伴们正在中加小农户项目的继续帮助下,和正大饲料公司谈判,以集体采购的形式购买养牛饲料。 |
| 8. | Zhang genkui is president of the cow farmers association of yadamu village . none of his family through generations has ever taken any administrative position in the village as far as he knows 张根奎是雅达牧村奶牛养殖协会的会长,自从他记事起,祖辈世代没有在村子里掌过事的。 |
| 9. | On this occasion , standing ready to devote his time and energy to doing something beneficial or practical for his fellow villagers , he was elected president of the cow farmers association of yadamu village of horinger county by members of the association 这次,愿意奉献出时间和精力为父老乡亲办点实事好事的张根奎被协会会员选为和林格尔县雅达牧村奶牛养殖协会的会长。 |
| 10. | When talking about organizing the farmers association , zhan genkui and his fellow members are sincerely grateful to the resident sfagm coordinator in horinger . the birth of the association could not have occurred without the efforts of the coordinator 提起组建农民协会,张根奎和他的会员们深深感谢“小农户适应全球市场项目”驻和林格尔的协调员,他们的协会与协调员的努力是分不开的。 |