四肢不用: debility of the limbsflaccid paralysis of limbsflaccid paralysis of the limbsflaccidity of limbs in paralysisflaccidity of the limbsflacid paralysis of limbsweakness of limbs
四肢强直: orthocolosisrigidity of extremitiesstiffness of extremities
Kidney is the basis of innate constitution to store the fundamental substance of the body and produce marrow as well as an resource of strength , which is in charge of prosperity and decline , weakness and strength of the functions of the vital organs , limbs and bones of the human body 4益肾与糖尿病的关系枸杞为补肾圣药。肾乃先天之本,藏精生髓,又为作强之官,主机体五脏六腑,四肢百骸功能盛衰强弱。