倍: Ⅰ名词(跟原数相同的量) times 短语和例子五倍 five times; 百倍 hundredfold; 该厂产量成倍增长。 the output of the factory has doubled and redoubled. 十是五的两倍。 ten is twice as much as five.Ⅱ形容词(加倍) double; twice as much 短语
Aedes mosquitoes are characterized by white stripes on their bodies but these are barely visible to the naked eye . ovitraps also attract other insects to lay eggs . therefore we have to magnify the larvae under a stereomicroscope for proper identification 白纹伊蚊蛹的特点是带有白纹,但凭肉眼是看不出来,加上诱蚊产卵器又会吸引其他昆虫产卵,故需以十至四十倍的放大镜来检视。