含冤莫白: suffer a grievous wrong with no hope of vengeance; a wrong has not been set right.; be falsely accused and condemned; bear an injury with no hope of being revenged; suffer unjust accusatio
Although cheung chan won the game , but man - long accused him of cheating 真虽战胜,却反被冤枉出千,含冤而死
Note : as this programme has been produced for a number of years , some post production works including colo . . 含冤受屈,不为世所容,黄日华血泪演绎,剑魔独孤求败
Her hope had been to avert the wrath of heaven from a house that had long been hateful to the suffering many 长期以来这个家族遭到了许多含冤受苦者的痛恨,她希望这不至引来上天的震怒。
April fool ' s day is the only day of the year when you can play tricks on people and needn ' t worry about them getting angry 4月1日,一年中一个既特别又让人胆战心惊的节日,不知这一天会有多少神经细胞因劳神过度而含冤死去。
But , imbued from her childhood with a brooding sense of , wrong , and an inveterate hatred of a class , opportunity had developed her into a tigress 但是由于她从儿童时代起就深感含冤受屈,养成了根深蒂固的阶级仇恨,机会便把她发展成了一只母老虎。
David chiang teams up with chang cheh s acclaimed screenwriter ni kuang written over 300 xcreenplays to continue his epic " heroic brotherhood " caric . . 故事描述,流浪汉蔡弘含冤入狱,在狱中遇上扒手姜大卫,二人为雪狱冤,设法越狱,谁知却成? .
And yet in chinese tradition , the so - called " eldritch flame shadow flame " , which involves the burning of rhinoceros horn , is a proverbial method of piercing the veil between the mortal realm and the hereafter 刘诚是含冤而死还是命不该绝?刽子手秦步罗莽饰携著冰寒的钢刀,一声怒吼,手起刀落,奇迹就在这一刻发生生死有命?
Before long , the consideration that there was no disgrace in the fate he must meet , and that numbers went the same road wrongfully , and trod it firmly every day , sprang up to stimulate him 不久之后,他想起他所面临的命运之中并无耻辱的成份,又想起还有无数的人也曾含冤受屈走过同一一条路,而且每天有人从容走过,便也鼓起了勇气。