Chinese translation for "印格坞"
- inglewood
Related Translations:
进坞: docking reportdrydocklie up 坞口: dock entranceentrance dockentrance end 坞室: dock chamberpressure tank 坞门: dock gate (or caisson)dockgateorcaissonentrance caissonfloodgate
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Inglewood high school , in a different part of the same metropolitan area and with 97 percent black and hispanic students , offered only three such courses 相同都会区内另一个地方的印格坞高中则只提供了三门先修课程,而非裔及西班牙裔美籍学生占了全校的97 % 。 |
- Similar Words:
- "印甫盛" Chinese translation, "印嘎拉丘" Chinese translation, "印糕" Chinese translation, "印歌" Chinese translation, "印格尔斯塔" Chinese translation, "印古什" Chinese translation, "印古什语" Chinese translation, "印光寺" Chinese translation, "印果油" Chinese translation