撒: 撒动词1.(放开; 发出) cast; let go; let out 短语和例子把手撒开 let go one's hold; 撒腿就跑 make off at once; 渔民们将网撒入海中。 the fishermen cast their nets into the sea.2.(尽量使出来或施展出来) throw off all restraint; let on
Here you go . give my regards to the kaiser 给.同时带我向凯撒大帝问好
In addition he did not go to rome , that glorious city that wasnt built in a day with the majesty of the caesars 荣耀之城,不是一日建成的,凯撒大帝的威荣但?没选择罗马。
Sweden institute compares with him " to have cicero literary talent caesar big emperor " ( " promulgation refined language " ) 瑞典学院把他比作"具有西塞罗文才的凯撒大帝" ( 《颁奖辞》 ) 。
The city , where a triad of deities was worshipped , was originally founded by the phoenicians . but its golden age began after julius caesar made it a roman colony 这座城市供奉了三座神灵。起先由腓尼基人建造。但它的鼎盛时期却在凯撒大帝殖民。
Most people recognize the fact that he was a historical figure , but there are some who think he is mythological . even though there is more evidence for the existence of the life of jesus christ then there is of caesar augustus . some people feel , still think he s just a myth 有人认为?是一位老师,大多数人承认?是一位历史人物,不过也有人认为?是虚构的即使证明耶稣基督存在的证据,比证明凯撒大帝活过的证据还要多,仍有人认为?只是神话。
Albert had already made seven or eight similar excursions to the colosseum , while his less favored companion trod for the first time in his life the classic ground forming the monument of flavius vespasian ; and , to his credit be it spoken , his mind , even amid the glib loquacity of the guides , was duly and deeply touched with awe and enthusiastic admiration of all he saw ; and certainly no adequate notion of these stupendous ruins can be formed save by such as have visited them , and more especially by moonlight , at which time the vast proportions of the building appear twice as large when viewed by the mysterious beams of a southern moonlit sky , whose rays are sufficiently clear and vivid to light the horizon with a glow equal to the soft twilight of an eastern clime 弗兰兹已经到斗兽场来夜游过十多次了,而他的同伴却是第一次光顾维斯派森大帝的这个古迹,平心而论,虽然那两个向导口若悬河地在他的耳边喋喋不休,他的脑子里还是留下了很强烈的印象。事实上,要不是亲眼目睹,谁都想象不到一个废墟竟会这样庄严宏伟,欧洲南部的月光和东方的落日余辉有着异曲同工之妙,在这种神秘的月光之下,废墟的各部分看来似乎都扩大了一倍。弗兰兹在废墟的内廊底下走了一百步左右,怀古之情便油然而生,于是他离开了阿尔贝,反正那两个向导总会照他们的老规矩,领他去看关狮子的洞,斗猩力士的休息室和凯撒大帝的包厢的。